working with me
We’ll start with a free 30-minute nutrition discovery session to find out more about you and your health goals. I will also talk you through the way I work and explore the options for us working together.
Each of my nutrition programmes includes a comprehensive nutritional plan, bespoke to you, and follow-ups along the way. They are designed with a number of touchpoints to help keep you on track. You choose the level of support you feel you need to keep focused on your health journey.

12 week programme
3 key touch points on your health journey
1 x 90 minute initial consultation
Comprehensive bespoke nutritional plan
Supplement and lifestyle recommendations
Handouts including recipes and relevant resources
2 x 30 minute follow up consultations
Updates to plan and supplements where needed
12 week programme
4 key touch points on your health journey
1 x 90 minute initial consultation
Comprehensive bespoke nutritional plan
Supplement and lifestyle recommendations
Handouts including recipes and relevant resources
3 x 30 minute follow up consultations
Updates to plan and supplements where needed
Supplement discount

16 week programme
7 key touch points on your health journey
1 x 90 minute initial consultation
Comprehensive bespoke nutritional plan
Supplement and lifestyle recommendations
Handouts including recipes and relevant resources
3 x 30 minute follow up consultations
Updates to plan and supplements where needed
3 x 15 minute check in calls or 3 x emails
Supplement discount
All consultations include recommendations on functional testing, where I think they may be of benefit, and interpretation of tests (functional test costs are not included). Consultations and follow ups conducted via Zoom or in person at The Float Spa in Hove.
If committing to one of my programmes isn’t right of you just now I also offer an individual initial consultation and follow up service, see below for details:

initial consultation
1 x 90 minute initial consultation
Comprehensive bespoke nutritional plan
Supplement and lifestyle recommendations
Handouts including recipes and relevant resources

follow up
1 x 45 minute follow up consultation
Updates to plan and supplements where needed

what happens in a consultation?
Before we meet, you will complete a food diary and a questionnaire about your health history so that I can get a better understanding of what might be going on. This form helps me to gather a lot of information upfront giving us time to focus on your specific concerns during the consultation.
A consultation lasts 90 minutes and it's where we’ll get into the specific health concerns you are facing. I’ll listen to your goals and provide you with an evidence-based and comprehensive plan to follow. I will also ask you to bring along any recent medical tests that will help give us more insight into your current health concern.
Your plan, including diet, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations along with recipes and relevant resources will follow a few days later. At this point, we can also touch base if you have any queries or concerns about my recommendations.
Your follow-ups are an opportunity to discuss your progress and any barriers or challenges you are having. I will also use this time to make any necessary tweaks to your plan to keep you on track.